The story behind our newest product: Monitors

Discover how Yuno's new Monitors solution revolutionizes payment processing by automating anomaly detection and traffic redistribution. Learn how Monitors keeps your transactions on track, boosts conversion rates, and enhances operational efficiency.

Imagine this scenario: You're enjoying a Sunday family get-together, the one time in the week you get to truly unwind. Suddenly, your phone starts buzzing—not with casual notifications, but with urgent messages from your team. Your transactions are failing, and your conversion rate is plummeting. 

These issues are all too common in the payment processing world. The stress of constant alerts, the disruption of your personal time, the manual redistribution of traffic—it’s a nightmare that many Payment Managers know all too well. 

How many times have payments been rejected one after another due to technical glitches with a provider? How many customers have been unable to complete their purchases because one of the key players in the payment chain went down?

We understand the frustration and financial loss caused by these interruptions are significant. At Yuno, we want you to overcome this challenge. That’s why we developed Monitors, a groundbreaking solution designed to ensure you never lose a cent nor a client due to payment provider failures again.

Why do you need Monitors

The challenge

Identifying anomalies in payment processing from providers has always been a significant challenge. Real-time detection and immediate action are crucial to prevent lost transactions and declining conversion rates.

Traditional methods have proved to be resource-intensive, require monitoring and support teams to stay vigilant around the clock. The massive volume of transactions processed daily makes manual monitoring impractical and error-prone. 

The issue

The difficulty lies in the inability to detect and respond to anomalies in real-time, leading to transaction losses and decreased conversion rates. Often, by the time monitoring teams detect a drop, too many payments have already been lost.

Furthermore, the complexity of modern payment ecosystems exacerbates the challenge. With transactions occurring across multiple channels, currencies, and geographic regions, manual monitoring becomes increasingly impractical.


As every Payment Manager knows, maintaining teams dedicated to monitor and respond to abnormalities is not only costly but also inefficient. The traditional approach of relying solely on human oversight is no longer sustainable in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

This is where Monitors steps in, revolutionizing the way we handle payment processing anomalies. By leveraging advanced algorithms and real-time monitoring capabilities, Monitors offer a proactive and efficient solution to identify and address anomalies promptly. 

How does Monitors works

Anomaly detection and alerts

Monitors diligently monitor the approval rate of selected providers around the clock. This constant vigilance ensures that any deviations from the norm are swiftly identified. If the approval rate falls below a predefined threshold, Monitors spring into action, triggering an alert mechanism through email or Opsgenie.

This immediate notification mechanism is pivotal in ensuring that potential issues are brought to your attention promptly, allowing for swift resolution and minimizing the impact on your business operations.

Traffic redistribution

However, we don’t stop at notifications, at Yuno we like to take action. In the event of a provider's performance drop, Monitors can automatically redirect traffic to a fallback option. No manual labor involved, not even one click.

Additionally, a small percentage of traffic remains routed through the malfunctioning provider for ongoing monitoring. This way, once the primary provider's performance improves, your route can go back to normal.

Key benefits of Monitors

Customizable and adaptive

Monitors allows merchants to define the expected approval rate, or threshold, tailored to their specific business model, transaction volume, and performance standards. Different scenarios can be set up, each demanding varying approval rates based on transactional volume over a specified timeframe.

The timeframe within which the approval rate is measured is also configurable, offering flexibility to adapt to different operational needs. Alerts regarding performance degradation can be sent via email or Opsgenie, ensuring that the relevant teams are notified without delay.

Intelligent and targeted monitoring

Monitors in Yuno offer intelligent and targeted monitoring, ensuring that every configured condition is respected. These conditions can include specific routes by country, currency, and brand, providing a highly customized and precise monitoring experience.

For instance, if a payment provider starts underperforming in a particular region, Monitors will trigger an alert solely for that region. This targeted approach means that the rest of your traffic remains unaffected, allowing for smooth operations in unaffected areas.

This level of precision is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency. By only redistributing relevant traffic, Monitors prevent unnecessary disruptions that could otherwise impact your entire payment ecosystem.

Efficiency and cost savings

Monitors do more than just detect issues—they automate the detection and redirection process, significantly enhancing efficiency. By proactively identifying and addressing potential payment rejections, Monitors help prevent financial losses that can result from failed transactions.

This automation means that businesses no longer need to rely on large, resource-intensive monitoring teams to oversee payment approval rates and performance. Thus, the cost savings from using Monitors are substantial.

By cutting down the time and resources spent on manual oversight, enterprises perceive  significant cost savings for enterprises, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively and focus on core business activities.

Incorporate Yuno’s Monitors to your Workflow

Monitors provide a dual advantage of precision and efficiency, making them an invaluable tool for any enterprise looking to optimize its payment operations. By respecting specific conditions and automating key processes, Monitors ensure both smooth and cost-effective payment management.

This advanced monitoring solution not only safeguards against potential disruptions but also empowers business with intelligent traffic redistribution, ensuring optimal performance and minimal disruption in payment processing.

Experience the future of payment processing with Monitors. Ensure your transactions are always on track, your conversion rates remain high, and your resources are utilized efficiently. Book a demo to join us in revolutionizing the way we handle payments.