Easy checkout: friendly UI/UX and its importance to business
Enhance UX/UI with intuitive workflows, smart routing, and mobile-friendly options, delivering seamless payment experiences.

Dealing with online payments can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive. Several payment solutions don’t provide a user-friendly UI for users, making it an even worse scenario. On the flip side, Yuno’s Solution integrates several payment options in a unified checkout, simplifying how businesses process payments throughout Latin America. But before diving into how you can be a few clicks away from customizing your ideal checkout, let’s take a step back to understand what is a friendly UI/UX and.
What is UX/UI?
User experience is the overall feel of using one application. UX Designers should design every user interaction as fluid and easy as possible, bearing in mind that practicality is not the unique factor in successful usabilities- in the same way, a pretty interface is not. The UX of an app must be adapted to clients’ needs, providing connection and quality time throughout the experience. User problems and significant implementation gaps should be UX’s primary focus.
On the other hand, but complementary, User Interface Designers are responsible for implementing the solution UX Designers have come so far. As usually followed after UX in the development process, UI mainly plays a role in aesthetically pleasing and interactive digital interfaces. In general, we can say that UX’s attention is on the usability and experience of clients, while UI’s attention is more on the solution’s aesthetics.
The importance of an easy payment workflow
There is a maxim when it comes to great design: it is invisible to the final user. The tiniest fret in the user experience can bring a generalized uneasiness resulting in the loss of a potential sell — or even a possible future shopper for your business. Successfully acquiring the client’s payment is the most crucial part of the process since all the invested time in the client’s attention and interest will finally become revenue.
Some not-so-invisible frets like having to enter credit card details at every checkout are annoying, impractical, and error-prone. Saving clients time and sanity by keeping their previously used card details is an alternative to this problem, resulting in faster checkouts.
Offering mobile-friendly payment options such as digital wallets and other disruptive methods could also be an ally towards an easy-riding UX without abdicating safety due to sensitive information being stored by third parties. Since numerous payment options are available in the market, business owners should stick to those preferred by their platform, avoiding overwhelming their users.
How does Yuno’s Checkout stand out?
Yuno’s Unified Checkout lets you access an efficient, all-in-one environment without losing its friendly UX. Our App disposes of an easy on-and-off feature in which you can choose the ideal payment options for your business checkout, enabling an intuitive workflow and visually appealing UI, a Smart Routing feature, and a dashboard in which you can keep track of all your essential data.
Clients’ well-being when shopping allied with an overall enjoyable UI and exciting branding can bring your business to a whole other level of connection with your public. Online shopping must be as fast as one’s internet speed limit can offer. Don’t let your business be full of unnecessary bureaucracy.