Payment Method
DiMo (Dinero Móvil) is a mobile payment service created by Banco de México (Central Bank in Mexico) that allows users to send money transfers using only the recipient's phone number through the SPEI infrastructure.
adyen; afirme; banorte; banjercito; banregio; banbajío; nafin; bansefi; hipotecaria federal; banamex; bbva bancomer; santander; hsbc inbursa; mifel; scotiabank; banco ve por más; deutsche; credit suisse; azteca; autofin; barclays; compartamos; banco famsa; multiva; actinver; intercam banco; bancoppel; abc capital; consubanco; volkswagen; cibanco; bbase; bankaool; pagatodo; openpay; kushki; stripe
Available countries
Currency acceptance
Network tokenization
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